Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Desires of Your Heart

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 

Today as I was doing my devotions I came across this great verse in the Bible that many of you probably have memorized and quoted time and time again throughout the years. I have quoted this verse many times myself as a prayer to God for the things that I desired...like a KOA Wood Taylor T5.  :)  Don’t worry, I honestly know that’s not what this verse is talking about.

But I was struck with a new understanding of what this verse is talking about, and I wanted to share this thought with you. 

One of the best things about being a dad is coming home from work and having your kids run up, hug you and tell you they’re so glad you’re home. They want to share with you all the details of their day, what happened at school, the test that they did well on, the disagreement they had with a friend on the playground, etc. It’s a great feeling! They are “delighting” themselves in your presence, they are truly happy to be with their dad.

I know that there should be joy in following Christ, He is indeed good in every way, but I wonder if I come into His presence like my kids come to me. Full of joy, excited to be around me, without ulterior motives, honestly just wanting to be with me—and wanting nothing in return. That makes me, from the very deepest part of my being, want to give my kids all the things they desire.

How often do I come to God bringing my requests to Him, instead of just simply wanting to be with my heavenly Father, just enjoying being with Him, telling Him what happened at “school” today, what test I may have done well on, or even the details of a disagreement I may have had? When my kids want to just be with their dad and that makes me want to give them the desires of their heart—how much more do you think God wants to do the same thing and bless us?!

Here’s my challenge for you today, consider what your own definition of "delight" involves, and meditate on how that meshes with the truest, deepest, most meaningful desires of your heart. 

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