Check it out!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Should I - Should I Not?
So Pastor Jeff has been teaching a class at church on social networking (facebook, twitter, blogs, etc.). Tonight's topic was on blogs—how to find them, use them, and create them. I'm thinking maybe I should try to do this agin, so the question is:
Should I - Should I Not?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Signed Jason Giambi Bat
Many of you know by now, but my oldest son, Kyle, is working for the Oakland A's this spring training in their clubhouse. He's having a blast and getting to hang out with the guys on the team. He actually gets to sit in the dugout with the team during the games.
Yesterday, me and the other kids got to attend one of the games. I was texting Kyle and telling him he should tell Giambi that his dad was at the game and to get me an autographed baseball. Kyle said he'd try. Then Giambi cracked a bat - as he was walking that back to the dugout and getting another bat, I texted Kyle and told him I'd settle for an autographed bat...
Well, today Kyle brought that cracked autographed bat of Jason Giambi's to me. SWEET!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ahhh, the Joys of Fatherhood
Tonight was one of those nights that makes being a father not a job for the weak stomached. Lexi warned us, she said she wasn't feeling good...then she proved it...all over the bathroom! Star just told me, I had no choice in the matter, you get to clean this one up. Now I'm NOT weak stomached, and I'll tell ya, even I got to see my gag reflex in action. After I finished the clean up job, I officially awarded Lexi the worst case of puke I've ever had to clean up as a father! To see a picture click on the link below:
I'd not make anyone see what I saw tonight.
Man I love my kids and being a father!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
An Encouraging Verse
I read this passage a couple days ago in my devotions and found it to be very encouraging so I thought I'd share it with you.
Praise the Lord, all you nations.
Praise him, all you people of the earth.
For he loves us with unfailing love;
the Lord's faithfulness endures forever.
Praise the Lord!
Psalm 117 (New Living Translation)
I am constantly amazed at the faithfulness of God in my life. When I stop and take time to think about all the ways He blesses me, I can't help but give him praise - God You are AMAZING!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Pro Tools 8
A great BIG thank you goes out to the person who purchased Pro Tools 8 for me...It's AWESOME!!!!!!!! learn how to use it properly. :)
Friday, February 27, 2009
What Equipment I'd Like Next
I'm using Pro Tools more and more now for loops / programming / clicks on stage Sundays in our worship services. I'm running an older version of the software that "technically" is not supposed to work with my computer's operating a result, Pro Tools crashes on a regular basis.
So, I'm hoping to upgrade to the latest version of Pro Tools that is designed to work with my computer's OS and then maybe my days of crashing in the middle of service will end.

Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Faithfulness of My Blog Readers
Today someone stopped by the office and in the course of conversation made the following statement:
"When I'm at work I get so bored that I read your blog everyday."
Can you feel the love? (;-)~
Monday, February 23, 2009
Help Needed!
Today I watched an episode of Dr. Phil and he was dealing with a family where their 14 year old daughter is trying to grow up too fast and is acting and dressing inappropriately...and it freaked me out!

My daughters are 11 years old and 14 is only 3 very short years away. How do I keep my precious little angels from turning into what I saw on the TV today???
Jesus - I need your help!

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Yet Another Manly Moment...
Today I was working in my office and I had iTunes on shuffle. I have lots of music, genres, artists and such in my iTunes library (6300 songs / 18.9 days without repeating a single song). Some of the stuff I have on there just for my girls...honestly it's true.

Well, there was a song that came on, I did not recognize the artist but I found myself thinking about how cool the song sounded. I even thought I really like this song and this girls voice, so I hoped on iTunes to see who it was...and to my surprise it was Aly & AJ.

Wow do I feel like a manly man again today!!!
What's up with me? :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Crossing the Red Sea
I'm reading in Exodus right now in my devotions and this morning I read the story of God delivering the Israelites at the Red Sea from the hands of the Egyptians. It's a great story of God's deliverance, direction, faithfulness, and provision (Ex. 14:15-31). This is an incredible story and quite the miracle, but it's also a story of trust and faith on the part of the Israelites.
Can you imagine the faith it would take to begin walking across the bottom of this great sea? I know the ground was dried by God and the great wind that He caused to blow, but what about walking in between two huge walls of water, I'd be scared to about you?
Many of us, myself included, are feeling the pressure of the economy and all that's happening in America today. Not to mention the stresses of life, work, family, children, neighbors, friends, and such...
The Israelites were faced with a great pressure as well, Pharaoh and ALL of the Egyptian armies were coming to bring Moses and all the Israelites back to Egypt. When the Israelites saw the Egyptian armies coming to overtake them, the Bible says they "panicked." There was no way out, on one side was the Red Sea (which at this point had not been parted for them to walk across), and on the other side was the armies of Egypt bearing down to capture them.
How many of you feel the same thing, there's no way out as you see it right now, it seems like life is crashing in all around us—all at once!
Take heart, God made a way out for the Israelites by parting the Red Sea. He will no doubt make a way out for you (and me) too! Trust in Him, place your Faith in Him, stand on the Promises of His Word. He will see us through this difficult time.
How can I pray for you?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I Really Must Be Getting Old.....Looking
I went to Burger King today for lunch. I ordered off the $1 menu, a Whopper Jr. and a small soft drink. The guy taking my order asks me, "How old are you?" I ask him why and he responds with the following question...
"Well, aren't you old enough for the SENIOR DRINK?"
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