Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Signs of a Lukewarm Worship Leader

I'm stealing this post from another worship leaders blog (who stole it from someone else's blog) - it's a challenge to all of us!

A lukewarm worship leader:

  • Prays more on stage than off stage.
  • Is almost exclusively dependent on others songs to sing than writing songs for where their local church is at.
  • Cares more about how many songs he or she is leading than the overall shape of the service.
  • Is overly sensitive to criticism.
  • Is jealous or critical of someone else that God is blessing.
  • Spends little if any time in the Word preparing to lead His Church.
  • Sings more songs on stage than in personal worship.
  • Spends more time mimicking other worship leaders then being shaped into the worship leader they we made to be.
  • Says things on stage that his or her family NEVER hear them say off stage.
Do you have any bullet points you'd like to add?

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