Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Scary Moment

My son Kyle works at the Chandler Fashion Square Mall and last night he closed. I went to pick him up at 11:00 pm and as I pulled into a parking space to wait for him to come out I had somewhat of a scary moment.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye that an SUV pulled in right after me a couple of spaces down, and I just happen to notice that the person in the passenger seat was wearing a hooded jacket (with the hood on) and a hockey mask, like the one Jason wears on Friday the 13th. I thought to myself, that seems a little odd, it's not even Halloween. 

Understand that it's 11 pm, and there is no one, and I do mean no one, in the parking lot - it's just me in my car and "Jason" from Friday the 13th.

Well, this guy immediately gets out of the truck, wearing his big black hooded jacket and hockey mask with both hands in the pocket of his jacket. He walks directly behind my car looking all around. My senses were heightened and I began to feel that something was not quite right. He walked past my car, stopped and turned around still looking all around the parking lot. He began to walk back behind my car again, moving from the passenger side of my car to the drivers side. This time a little closer to my car. As he makes it to the drivers side of my car he stops and turns toward the front of my car. At this point, I quickly start my car and drive away. "Jason" runs back to the SUV, jumps in and they drive off very quickly. (Thankfully not following me, but going in the opposite direction.)

At this point, all I can think is, thank you God for giving me a sense that something was not right and for causing me to be aware of my surroundings. So many other times when I've picked up Kyle late at night, I have set in my car totally engrossed in my iPhone and would never have noticed someone approaching my car. I believe God was watching out for me, and I'm thankful for His protection.

I found a mall security guy and told him about what happened and then went back to wait for Kyle, this time for sure watching my surroundings like I've never done before.

Psalm 5:11 says, "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you." (NIV)

Today, I am rejoicing in God's glorious protection!

On a lighter note: I told Kyle all about this when I picked him up. Then I said, "good thing this was not a scary movie....becuase then my car would not have started." That made us smile.  :)


Jeff Kossack said...

Although my FIRST reaction is, "Thank God everything turned out the way it did!", it has to be immediately followed by, "Boy, sure glad God gave you a heightened sense of discernment to realize that something is not right when you see someone walking around a mall parking lot at 11 PM wearing a hockey mask..." :)

Anonymous said...

Just READING the story is going to give me nightmares! I can't imagine actually being there in real life. Thank God you're okay.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're okay, but it occurred to me that you better install that "gun application" on your iPod so that if it ever happens again, you're prepared to defend yourself. Although the "fart" one might work equally well...

Did I just say that? :)

Star Forbis said...

I think I saw that movie! I am thanking God you are alive and well.

I was up reading last night and offered to go pick up Kyle and you didn't want me to go that late alone. Or I would have been sitting in that parking lot alone with my nose in a book. Scary. Thanks babe, I love you.

Also you didn't mention that the security guard had seen the SUV speeding away and had radioed someone to watch for him on the other side of the mall. I guess I will stop making fun of "Mall Cops" from now on! ;)

Lori ~ LL-K said...

We are so thankful that you are all right!!! God Blesses use in so many ways!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that everything turned out OK!! You would have been alright though, you could have applied the rear naked choke!!!

Pam said...

The first thing I thought of was, "What if it had been Star in that parking lot?" So many times when I need to go out for milk or gas or whatever, my husband insists on going if it is late. It just reminds me that our husbands are our covering if we allow them to be what God designed. I can get that "independent" streak once in a while and your experience is another reminder for me to let Rick take care of me! Thanks for sharing and I am glad you are okay!!!